Why DEF?
For years its been the goal of many to lower emissions. We have been able to accomplish this in many ways. One of which has been using Selective Catalytic Reduction technology which uses ammonia to reduce NOx emissions during diesel combustion into Nitrogen and Water. Whether we like it or not, it is here to stay. Colorado Petroleum was one of the first to offer this product and has built a state of the art DEF Blending facility, cutting out the middle man and offering you the highest of quality for the most competitive price.
When we committed to this we wanted to make sure we did it right, research, expertise, and all the necessary stops to ensure we were able to provide and Ultra- Pure, formaldehyde free, NOx reducing product.
Made with deionized water, down to ZERO PPM dissolved solids
Produce over 5,000 gals of that water a day
Only one in Colorado that packages 2.5 gallon jugs and 1 - gallon jugs.
Our DEF only comes in contact with Stainless, HDPE, and EPDM. We do this to ensure the integrity as we all know how sensitive this product is. Some may say PVC is acceptable, however since Colorado Petroleum can not prove this is an ok option we choose to not test it, and go the one step further with only approved materials. Cutting corners helps nothing when it comes to your investment.